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I finally have internet again! It went out Sunday morning around 10 and it didn't get fixed until yesterday, but I was still having problems connecting to it and somehow it's even slower than usual. But at least I have some internet now opposed to not having it at all or having to watch videos on my tiny phone screen.

might want to try power cycling all your internet equipment.
And it's almost Friday! This week was pretty boring and dull so I'm glad that it's over. Can't wait to do absolutely nothing this weekend even though I have lots of stuff to do
Saw this pic lol Deadpool beating Captain America by kicking his balls: lol
Saw a DCS anime waifu cockpit photograph PLOT fan mod lol:
Saw Ace Combat 6 Trailer recreated by a Fan in DCS lol nice:
And I agree, if you were buying a thick game disc case back in the day, you were getting something amazing.

Too bad you didn't play Wild Arms on PSX backthen during the PSX's golden years.
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