I've decided to go for Saints Row: the third. It's open world and I never have any problems platting those. Unfortinately I had accidentally deleted my 1/2 way finished game months ago. I'm happy I already got all of the collectables but still annoying to start all over.
Saints Row 3 is a good game. (I got the plat in it in about 40 hours. And I enjoyed the crazy antics the whole time.)
Saints Row 4 is another 40 hour one also. And is apparently equally enjoyable. (At least until the last 4-5 hours because you'll have basically done everything else and will be sitting for the last trophy to pop.)
It's a simulation game where you control a persons life. You never heard of sims before? We gotta get you into gaming more. It's been around for like 15yrs now. Three sequels and about 8 expansions per sequel. (Some say the game is for girls)
Saints Row 3 is PLATED now. Now this game is DEAD SEXY. The women, the clothing choices. Ha, it's just awesome!
I'm not sure what I'm going to go with now. Probably the Sims.
the newer ones have challenges in them like "have a kid" "reach a certain level with cooking" etc.
A lot of the big gamer people just hate the game but I've always liked it. This will prove to be an easy plat since I'm at 25% complete already and I feel like I barely touched the thing.
SIMS 3 is PLATED now. Practically the whole game was a grind from beginning to end. There were some trophy glitches but I was prepared from them so I would make game saves before the trophy hit to allow me to re-install the game.
I've been thinking about my Tomb Raider but I'm not going to be playing that yet. Instead I'm going to be playing Little big planet 2, dead space, skate 3, battlefield 3, gta4, gran turismo, and NFS:Hot pursuit.
-I'm about 5 trophies away from plat for LBP2 but I quit because they are really tough.
-dead space 2, skate 3, and Gran Turismo I've opted out from going for plat because of how tough they are to get but it bothers me that they are listed as like 2% complete so I'm going to try grab just a bunch of easy trophies then walk away.
-NFS: hot pursuit is just long and not that enjoyable so I'm just doing waves throughout the year until it's done.
I'll probably play all of these for about two weeks then move to tomb raider to plat.
I've decided to scrap that idea. I've added Flow, Journey, and Flower to my list. I'm going to be going for the 100% complete for those 3. They do have trophies but do not have plats because they are not that long of a game.
I've already started flower and it's like no other game I've experienced in my life. It's.....it's...errr......a thing of beauty.
Flower is 100% complete now. What a neat/weird little game.
I was playing "flow" as well. It's made by the same company. It is somewhat of a mini game but it's going to prove to be hard to finish because there are some trophies that require some serious hand coordination. I'm at like 70% but man, It's going to be tough.
Journey is 100% complete. The game was easy except for one nightmare trophy which included that you finish the game with someone(the same person) from beginning to end. Now in the game randomly a person joins, no name, and no way of communication other than what's called character pinging. One can only hope the other guy will stay with you the whole time.
Now I'm working on a game called "flOw" but I'm practically done. Should have it complete tomorrow.
Same type of games made from the same company. Yes, they are all pretty much traveling games with a few obstacles. They are pretty different from each other though. They are a heck of a lot shorter than normal games though. You can get a bunch of trophies but there isn't a plat when you achieve them all.
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare is 100% complete. I was waiting for a group of guys to boost this with and saw an opportunity today. This year I'm doing amazing!