I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy? <My 2014 gaming report>

Are you sure there is plenty of games to play on the PS4 yet?
Demon_Skeith said:
Are you sure there is plenty of games to play on the PS4 yet?
After December I think there's enough multiplats and exclusives that would make a next gen console worthwhile. I know the multiplats can be played on last gen too, but the experience won't be the same.
Demon_Skeith said:
Are you sure there is plenty of games to play on the PS4 yet?
Well, I already have a list of games to buy in order for release and there are a couple out already. I'd most likely be busy playing the out ones and keep getting them as they release.

Destiny – OUT

Worms: Battlegrounds - OUT

Sher Holmes Crimes and Punishments – OUT

Flockers - OUT

Sleeping Dogs: Definite edition -  OUT


Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor – Oct 7 2014

The crew – Nov 11th

The Evil Within – oct 14th 2014

Dragon Age 3: Inquisition – Nov 18th 2014

Farcry 4 – Nov 18th 2014

little big planet 3 – Nov 30th 2014

Ray’s The Dead – Winter 2014

Dying Light – Feb 2015

The order 1886 – feb 2015

Bloodborne – Feb 2015

WITCHER 3: WILD HUNT – feb 15th 2015

Dead Island 2 – April 2015

Kingdom Come Deliverance - 2015

Mad Max - 2015

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - 2015

Uncharted 4 - 2015

MGS V: The Phantom Pain - 2015

Resident Evil Revelations 2 - tba

Hellblade - TBA

Quantum Break - TBA

Primal Carnage Genesis – Currently on hold

DayZ - TBA

Until Dawn -TBA

The Last Guardian - TBA

Wild - TBA

Abzu - TBA

Rime - TBA

Mirror's Edge 2 - TBA

Deep Down – TBA

Rise of the Tomb Raider – late 2015
Today I'm concluding my gaming schedule for this year. Every year I try to get a list together to get a head start on the next year.

2013 results were platinum for a total of 16 Games and have gotten over 90% in 2 games. You can view the old final completion list here.

This years conclusion is a platinum for 15 games. Also, when it came to the end there I basically was getting random trophies just to raise my completion percentage of old games I've owned for years but didn't want to totally plat. You can view my completion schedule here.

2014 Highlights
I'm not happy about my plat progress this year. This year I got a divorce and had to move 1200 miles away. Living back with my parents, getting financially secure, and waiting for an apartment has been a struggle that took a lot of my gaming time away. On top of that I ran out of good games to play and started messing around with games that I've owned for years. It was not long before I found out that the reason I didn't plat them is because they are horrible. I got 70% done a whole bunch of junky games like gran Turismo but it's no plat.

This year highlights the most enjoyable games still. I loved L.A noire, red dead redemption, GTA5, farcry 3, and the two saints row games. It was great fun.

I predict that 2015 will be AWESOME with my game list. You can view my 2015 game schedule with the following link: