If you only had Thirty seconds to live...

Actually. I think maybe I'd just see how many people I hate I can say f#ck you to before I die. Yeah.. that'd be fun.
Oh yeah, and the love my family thing too...yeah...
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I'd pull a nasty joke... Try to go out all dramatically, and flop to the floor with about 5 seconds left, lift my head and say "Not really", and than die.

No, just kidding. I'd probably watch the seconds tick over and fret about it.
Could always play a game of fake heart attack followed by naps. You would win.
I'd want to have some famous last words like "I regret nothing!" or "Well, crap." or maybe "These aren't my glasses."
How about: "I've buried a treasure of a thousand empires somewhere in the New York City subway system! GOOD LUCK SEARCHING!"
Lol. Like people have a trademark on topic ideas or something.

No. It was an idea of mine and he didn't have a right to post a thread when I said no. If I stole your idea, you wouldn't be happy.

Sorry to ruin it for you, but almost every concept in life is stolen. Anyways, the question of the day concept I've seen on sites before you made it here.

It's okay, I don't really believe in your concept there, but people who make it on other sites didn't ask me before I said no and went and did it anyway.

You don't seem to be understanding him. The people who make it on other sites did it BEFORE you, so they wouldn't need your permission because it wouldn't be your idea now would it. People have been doing that for ages and because you thought it up (late might I add) doesn't give you exclusive rights to it. And even if you were the very first person and no one else has ever thought about it, I doubt they would care, because this is not something that would get trademarked or copyrighted. Things with legitimate intellectual property like engineering projects and designs would. This being not nearly as complex and would be easily thought of, would never be trademarked.
I'd probably be dead before the 30 seconds starts. I'd Jump off a bridge at 0:25 and die just a second before i hit the ground.
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I'd probably make a joke about it and just say bye to the people near of me. Sit there with my head down until it happens.
I'd also free fall from an airplane. (Dying before I hit the ground)

And I'd land in the ocean, never to be found.
I'd probably do something to the effect of firing my lasers. If I'm going down, I might as well go down Dr. Octagonapus style.
What if you're dead in the next thirty seconds because you killed yourself in those thirty seconds?
Not because you had some fatal heart condition?
Huh? Huh?