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With teaching, you can say that indoctrination isn't a real job. I would put college on that list as there are people who are self-taught.I appreciate that "adds something of value to society" is subjective; however, I think "Something I can't live without" is far, far too restrictive. It means anybody who's not involved with producing the bare essentials for human survival, does not have a real job.
We can live without education; therefore, by this definition, teaching is not "a real job".
We can live without the postal service; therefore, by this definition, being a postman is not "a real job".
We can live without computers; therefore, by this definition, manufacturing computers is not "a real job" (and all related jobs, e.g. software development, IT technicians, are not "real jobs" either).
Just because we can live without these things, doesn't mean we aren't better off for having them.
The Postal services need to use cars because we live too far apart is. But for marketing, sales, bills, and greeting cards the need is there only because the laws are in place. It is not ethical for it to just disappear if a bill is missed in the mail not delivered and a lack of internet.
We can but there are people who rely on it for a source of income like you'd never believe and no one is happy going back to the stone age.
You see bare essentials include jobs and jobs include money. If the money wasn't there and there was only bartering then would you feel the same way about a job? If no one can live without having a family for instance and the need isn't there for me I can live without it because it's allowed to. Then jobs add value to the individual. If the job doesn't pay, like say a farm worker, then that value on them is a small number so the market says we can live without it. The value they have is then political. Family with low-wage slaves being allowed you can say have value more than automation to more than one. But as long as there is no automation, the value is greed and power. As automation is for everyone and there is no cheating around the question.
TL;DR The subjectivity of having value to society is like saying I value people working for me because they are oppressed and can do me no harm that way. But I am worse off because they don't value me if my value is less than theirs, which is what money means. So that is why I can't value work from a personal level. You could say my statement is the same. I can't live without people caring for my life. However, if I could then I would still be here, but depressed.