last movie you saw?

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just been watching whatever the TV gives me
I just saw Finding Dory on Friday, and I really liked it. Was pretty impressed with the animation, liked seeing how it had improved in the last 13 years since Finding Nemo. The storyline was pretty well put-together as well, great sequel.
The last movie that I watched and only half though has to be the new Warcraft film that just came out. It wasn't bad from what I was able to see. I expected more as far as the costumes and the graphics were concerned.
It just looked as if I was watching a couple of live action characters get stuck in a PC game. The design was not cohesive enough but the story line was still pretty good.

I will actually be finishing the film when I get the chance to. It wasn't horrible.
"Coming To America" with Eddie Murphy, one of the funniest movies I've seen, I think that many of the movies that come out these days are great as well, but everyone should check out old 1990's/early 2000's movies because there are a lot of good ones.
X-Men Apocalypse and I gotta say I don't understand all the criticism this movie got. I mean, I felt it kid of lived up to the previous two films which were creative for its time. So I'm glad I wasn't disappointed even though I have to admit that it was one of those kind of titles that you could only see once. I guess the simple nature involved in the plot was too blame but still memorable for that reason as well.
I went to see Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children yesterday. I didn't get to see it over the weekend because I was working so I went to see it yesterday on my day off.
I went to go see GET OUT a few days ago, it was overall a good movie. Some weird parts, but a lot of actually funny parts which I like a lot in scary movies
The last movie I watched was Captain America Civil War. Sometime last year I watched Iron Man to The Avengers and a few weeks ago I watched Iron Man 3 to Captain America Civil War so now I'm all caught up in MCU movies.
Astrix: Mansion of the Gods on Amazon Prime. Decent film, not the best. I just felt like the 3D graphics were a bit weird after getting used to the different style of the Astrix comics
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