Member of the month


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You're Rich Money Bags Award
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At the end of every month, I would like one active member to be regarded member of the month. I like some feed back on what requirments one member should meet before they can achieve this.

For a base I'm thinking

At least:

100 posts made
Achieved 2 arcade high scores
has been online for most of the month.
What's most of the month? I think it should be a day (like in the toral amount of hourson calculated) because most people stay on for a few minutes to post, then leave. This was they can stick around a bit longer.
I know me and Mori did that. Mostly cause you guys never go in the arcade.
Holy hell, do you mean a total time of 20 days, or just visit every day for 20 days?
20 days out of the month, means 20 days out of 27.

No way he would do that that's over 1/3 of his total time.
I think it would be best to do it like a contest.
Members earn points in regards to how many threads and posts they write, how many active referrals they get, how many new arcade scores the hold, etc.
The one with the highest number of points becomes member of the month.

The requirements would then only be the minimum necessary to be eligible for the title.
Here is what would be acceptable requirements:
- Wrote 100 posts.
- Created 10 new threads.
- Obtained (and kept) 5 arcade scores.
- Spent 10hrs online. (at least 20mins a day)
21 Jump Street is not weird. It's one of the funniest movies ever. Stop watching anime. >_>
Yes. Fucking school... Work... I should just move to where you live and be a cop there rather than here.