Religion in Cartoons


Blurb! bLurb!
Full GL Member
Do you think including Religious symbols, habits or even thoughts in cartoons is a good idea. I don't think so, Cartoons shouldn't include stuff like religions. It encourage conflicts between people from different religions, also it encourages children to be religiously racist in the future.
All the power to them I say. The censors on South Park over the Mohammed thing was one of the stupidest things I had ever heard of.
I'm of the opinion that if you can make fun of one thing, you should be able to make fun of anything. I always respected comedy that didn't pull punches or try to cater to the overly sensitive. Just my take though. Putting religious propaganda in cartoons marketed towards children is something else entirely though, and represents something I'd never support or condone.
Do you think including Religious symbols, habits or even thoughts in cartoons is a good idea. I don't think so, Cartoons shouldn't include stuff like religions. It encourage conflicts between people from different religions, also it encourages children to be religiously racist in the future.
I think anyone in any form of media should be able to tackle the subject of religion.

If there was a law or a policy against it, that would be the same kind of censorship that prevented guns in western cartoons, prevented the word "war" from being in the title of any cartoons since Beast Wars, and that ruined every anime that 4kids ever touched. Cartoons these days don't even have the balls to tackle the subject of death anymore. What do all these things have in common? All of these things are REAL. If we're gonna censor one real subject, why not censor all the others to? If you want to just narrow it down to the things that cause "conflict," why not extend that to other things we see in cartoons?

Why not just ban cartoons with any conflict whatsoever? Why not ban violence? Violence in cartoons is a physical form of conflict, right? Why not ban VERBAL COMMUNICATION? People argue because people can speak, right?

Where do we draw the line with this?

also it encourages children to be religiously racist in the future.
Do you mean religiously intolerant?

I honestly don't think so. I think banning religion from cartoons is in and of itself an intolerant act; one intolerant of diverse opinions and cultures. I am no fan of religion myself, but I just think that's going too far.

I'm using "ban" as a hypothetical by the way. I know no one hare advocated a ban on anything, but I do hear lobbyists advocating similar crap every now and then.
Faith can be a pretty good plot device and can be used in various aspects of character development. Eg: Lisa Simpson renouncing her Christian faith for Buddhism. I don't see any problem with it but it has to be something personal to the character and not a means of converting the audience.
Faith can be a pretty good plot device and can be used in various aspects of character development. Eg: Lisa Simpson renouncing her Christian faith for Buddhism. I don't see any problem with it but it has to be something personal to the character and not a means of converting the audience.

Thats true, but there are also episodes like "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment" that play on the fear of hell. While I think its a good thing that it tackled the subject that stealing is bad, the fact that they brought in religion is bad in my opinion.
Thats true, but there are also episodes like "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment" that play on the fear of hell. While I think its a good thing that it tackled the subject that stealing is bad, the fact that they brought in religion is bad in my opinion.

But religion itself is based on faith and the point of the episode was around Lisa's innocent faith in herself and her family to doing the right thing.

I think that's where a lot of newer Simpsons episodes fall flat on the matter. They just take the religion at face value, opposed to exploring the deeper idea of the faith and beliefs behind that religion.
Its not only about Lisa. Religious references are in almost every episode of The Simpsons.
While I personally like the satirical way in which it abords the subject of religion, I don't think its something kids should be exposed to.
All the power to them I say. The censors on South Park over the Mohammed thing was one of the stupidest things I had ever heard of.

I agree with this, but they did threaten the creator's, their families and Comedy Central with violence.

After 9/11, I can understand why they wouldn't take that chance, and while Muslims are about as different from Muslim extremists, as Christians are from the WBC, they made the right call on pulling it, just to avoid the possibility of another attack.
If there is anything that is intended for children it should never throw a lot of opinions or trends out because children are super influenced. I own/work at a retail store and every time Disney comes out with a cartoon people flood into the store wanted to purchase the cool sidekick pet that was in the cartoon. Little do they know(or care) that Disney sidekick animals are usually pets for expert pet keepers(Like nemo......saltwater).

Then again Disney is a big fan of sexual content in their cartoons, so having rare pets is out the window for bad.