The post a picture of yourself thread- With a twist


(Tell me if you can't see it)

And here's me recently (earlier this school year).


I think I have 39 tennis balls currently.

39 too much
Arcella kind of looks like an old member of DSU, now that I look at it. Lmao. Maybe just darker hair.

and Daisy, the browsers download the pictures when you view the topic. People aren't just downloading them to keep them on their computer.
Arcella kind of looks like an old member of DSU, now that I look at it. Lmao. Maybe just darker hair.
Well, I was Arcella on DSU. But I've actually met a few people who look a lot like me--it is kind of weird. :0! Usually, my hair will vary between black to light brown/dark blonde and may sometimes include highlights. It depends on how bored I get with my current hairstyle.
Want some more me? Here are some toddler pics of me when I was in 1st grade, and when I was 2/3 I can't remember:
Want some more me? Here are some toddler pics of me when I was in 1st grade, and when I was 2/3 I can't remember:

I think I've grown
[video][/video] that's my answer.

I will get mine up in a minute...actually, it's gonna be a video.

I have no idea how to reply to that..<__<
I know! Since this is popular, any pics should be in this theme:

Black and white

You don't have to, but it's fun.
I never realised that this topic was popular until now, hah. I should draw a cartoon version of me like Dev did.