The post a picture of yourself thread- With a twist

Erm, you do know every single person who views this topic downloads the images automatically by virtue of viewing the topic, right?
Sooooooo...You've been lurking around the topic for some time, how about that image?

Posted image
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Sooooooo...You've been lurking around the topic for some time, how about that image?

Posted image[/FAKEIMG][/color]

Ha! That's what she said!!!
With a twist, not blurry like before.
Arcella and Daisy...way to go on taking down the stereotypes for gamer girls d(^ _ ^)b
With a twist, not blurry like before.

OOooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Arcella, you have my fullllll respect! I've never actually seen a girl like you game before... even though... nah that doesn't count. But seriously...
So everyone's guilty! *Demands apology Cake from Kamek*

Ohhh, who did you think I looked like? Adam Lambert? Johnny Depp? Bowser? ARCELLA???????? Lu Bu? Ryan Higa? All the members from Three Days Grace/ and or Linkin Park? ELMO????!!!! ELLLLLLLLLLLMOOOOOOO???!!!!

*Note: This was not a fluff comment
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Ohhh, who did you think I looked like? Adam Lambert? Johnny Depp? Bowser? ARCELLA???????? Lu Bu? Ryan Higa? All the members from Three Days Grace/ and or Linkin Park? ELMO????!!!! ELLLLLLLLLLLMOOOOOOO???!!!!

*Note: This was not a fluff comment

I don't get what you're talking about..................
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I never assumed you looked like anything? When did I say you looked like _____?

Right.......... I'll take your ward for it.
U never thought I looked like someone, I never said you said anything...
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^Did some re-decorating, I see.

Hmm............ The one doesn't look like the other. (Well, a bit)

It's like an evil you, and a nice you.

Also... you have a thingy!? (can't remember name, it's the thing behind you) I want one of those so bad.....
Hahahaha. Yeah. An evil me and a good me. And shut up, Zex. Don't make me smack you again.
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