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So, I'm getting serious anxiety about tomorrow. I've only been at my job for about a month and a half and I have work Black Friday 10am-9pm. I hope it's not as bad as everyone says and it's just a scare tactic.
So, I'm getting serious anxiety about tomorrow. I've only been at my job for about a month and a half and I have work Black Friday 10am-9pm. I hope it's not as bad as everyone says and it's just a scare tactic.

may I ask what store you work at?
How'd it go?
It was... interesting. About 9 hours in I developed a limp because I was walking constantly besides a 15 minute break and a 30 minute lunch. I ended up walk 52863 steps...

On another note, I went to my friends' house yesterday and me and some friends played through Doki Doki Literature Club. It's great.
Heh, trying out a new avatar I'll be using for a while. (笑)

Great, now I won't recognize you :P

It was... interesting. About 9 hours in I developed a limp because I was walking constantly besides a 15 minute break and a 30 minute lunch. I ended up walk 52863 steps...

On another note, I went to my friends' house yesterday and me and some friends played through Doki Doki Literature Club. It's great.

9 hours in? Did you work a double shift or something? But yeah I had to walk around for nearly 8 hours one day and let me tell you, I went home and did not budge from my chair once my feet were up. I highly recommended padded shoes.
9 hours in? Did you work a double shift or something? But yeah I had to walk around for nearly 8 hours one day and let me tell you, I went home and did not budge from my chair once my feet were up. I highly recommended padded shoes.
Nope, it was a single 11 hour shift. I have padded shoes, so my feet were fine. My legs were the ones that felt like jello.
Now you get an idea what it like walking around in a factory all day :)
Believe me, I know. I used to work in a factory for 4 years. There's a reason I don't any more. Actually there's two. One of them being that the place I worked moved and I didn't want to go with them, the other reason was I didn't like it.
Believe me, I know. I used to work in a factory for 4 years. There's a reason I don't any more. Actually there's two. One of them being that the place I worked moved and I didn't want to go with them, the other reason was I didn't like it.

last I checked no one likes factory work. It complete wrecked my dad despite working in a bakery factory.
I've been on a nice number of Japanese Discord servers in the past 1 or 2 months (don't remember exactly, but it's something very recent).
Now I got invited to an English speaking one after quite some time, and something shocking happened while in it: people seemed very rude to me.
I did casually join a few other international servers (and left a couple of those too) during this time and the same thing happened with those, but I only now realised how the way I see stuff has changed.

The people on the Japanese servers really seem very nice, and even more when they realise I'm not a Japanese person myself.
On the other hand, the people on the English servers feel very unwelcoming once they realise I can speak Japanese too, and on some of them they even call me out based on my name tag and/or avatar alone (and even before I even say a word).

West is tolerant and East is racist? Not going to believe this any more. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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