I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy? <My 2015 gaming report>

Poll Poll Will I get a total of 30 plats for 2015?

  • Pff, dude, you lazy. No way.

  • I would be surprised if you did.

  • You'll probably get it.

  • I don't believe in no win scenarios. You got this.

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Martin said:
Loadout seems like an easy enough plat but is going to take a long time. A gold trophy is for playing multiplayer for 100 hours. Still plan on doing that?
I was thinking about that again and there is a good possibility that I can join a game, elastic my controller, and then let it run online for 10hours at a time. I wouldn't recommend doing that every day for a week, but it's something I could work at in the longrun. It is stupid though.

Oh, I bought dragon Age now so I'll be juggling that plat along with the other two games I'm working on.
Just an update because everyone must think I'm getting game lazy. I am not.

I've been working on GTA5 & Worms Battlegrounds
GTA5 is a very hard mark to plat. It's identical to the ps3 version I finished. Every game has collectables like say "pick up 30 flashlights". You have to run around the games' world and find everything. Well GTA5 has 50 letters, 50 spaceship parts, 30 plane pieces scattered in the ocean, 30 nucleur waste, 50 fly under bridges, 30 go sideways between buildings with a plane. I may have miss a few. It's very time consuming. 

Worms is stupid. There was a few trophies where you have to win 5 times in a row online and do other stuff with players online. The tough part is not enough people play the game in my timezone because its' popular in Europe only. I've wasted days trying to get people to help me out.

I'm proud to say I'm almost complete GTA5 and the Worms game is probably 1hr of playing and I'll have it plat. Any day now I'll be announcing my completion of them.
Congrats on nearly plating them.
Worms Battlegrounds is PLATTED. It was a pretty good game. A classic that is great to play with women. I started off 3 relationships playing worms together. Many of the single player trophies were very easy but the game has little to no online players around so winning 5 times in a row was very tough.

Not much to say about the game. I've talked about it a lot in the past. It was fun.

I'm on a roll with my schedule though. 4plats and we're not passed jan yet. I only own one game to plat now which it dragon age: Inquisition. 
I've adjusted my schedule as well. I've removed
Rays the dead 
middle earth
metal gear solid 5
tomb raider definate edition

I replaced them with
Life is strange
ravens' cry
Primal Carnage Extinction

I bought Flockers already and will be working on that along with the great dragon age. In feb I'm buying MXGP, Sleeping dogs Def edition(if there's a price drop), ravens cry, and life is strange.
Martin said:
Congrats on platting GTA 5, wouldn't even imagine putting the time into platting that game - seems like it would take ages. 
Thanks man. Last year I platted the ps3 version too though. Crazy long game.

Demon_Skeith said:
did you play much GTA online?
Not this time. I really didn't enjoy it that much.

Martin said:
I'd presume he had to, one of the trophies was rank 100 online.

How are you finding Dragon Age? Worth a buy?
If you finished the ps3 version the online trophies autopop so I cheated!!! MUAHAAHA.

hmmm. I don't know about this DA. I've been playing and playing it and it has some seriously intense moments but the game is just filled with a ton of dumb things.
Basically there's like 10 forest, desert, jungles, and 6 cities and it seems all you are doing is "go talk to this person", "go find this letter", "give the letter to that person" "find 200 plants of these" "800 of.......blah".

It just never ends. Also some of the side quests are impossible to do with a guide. There was one where you were suppose "wake *persons name*. I go to his gravestone then what?????
IN the guide I found out you have the run around the thing 5 times. How on earth are we suppose to know that.

The other bummer is the talking. You have to have conversations with hundreds of different charaters and it goes on. You can skip lines while they are talking but pressing skip 50 times only to have to jabber with 5 more people can be stupid.

The action parts of the game are very great though. Very intense. I can't hate the game because the fighting engine is so amazing. Just amazing. The game is not one that I would pass up. I suppose I'm just not used to the leveling up RPG setting part.

Kasem said:
Damn this is intense... Nice work! I may try this during the summer haha
Summer is a bad time to start playing. Nice weather, cute girls in bikinis. Don't punish yourself.

Anyway, I bought Dying Light which I know I will love. I'm not going to be playing it until I get further with dragon age though. Often I'll sell games after I'm done then re-buy then years later when they are $18. Dirty little trick I do all of the time. Dragon age is still worth $45 used so it's worth selling. I don't sell them all but da takes so much hours I doubt I'll have a long go at it after the first time.
DA seems like one of those long term games to chip away at whilst playing alongside another rather than trying to play through it completely in its own. Hope you enjoy Dying Light.
I've been playing Dying light for awhile now. It's pretty dope. I'm not too excited about finishing dragon age though. I've been finding that DA is taking way too long to finish. On top of that once I do finish it I have to repeat it on Hard difficulty.

I also just got the order: 1886, flockers, and life is strange on the back burner waiting to be played for the first time. So little time and so many games, meh.