I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy? <My 2015 gaming report>

Poll Poll Will I get a total of 30 plats for 2015?

  • Pff, dude, you lazy. No way.

  • I would be surprised if you did.

  • You'll probably get it.

  • I don't believe in no win scenarios. You got this.

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You play that many games in a year? I like to play video games but that is a lot of games for me. I'm lucky to be able to afford that many games in a year, much less play them all.

Keep it up though! If you enjoy gaming and can play that much, don't stop though.

if you know where to get a good deal anyone can get a lot of games.
WoW that is a good list, you are certainly fine, too have a small list but it just consist about 10 or odd games, which could have been more if i had the time to play.
The end of the year has come and here's my results compared to previous years.

2013 results were platinum for a total of 16 Games and almost completed 2 games. List of complete games: https://gaminglatest.com/threads/i-have-a-gaming-schedule-am-i-crazy.67717/page-7#post-170447
2014 results were platinum for a total of 15 Games and almost completed 4 games. List of complete games:

Platinum for a total of 15 Games and almost completed 2 games. List of complete games:

I am very unhappy with the path of gaming and how it has changed so unfortunately I won't be as heavy into gaming for 2016. Notable points that SUCKED about gaming and is continuing to get worse.
1. Ever since GTA5 made billions of dollars the company has scrapped any effort into moving forward. There is absolutely NO talk of sequels to any of their awesome other games. Mainly because they are so rich that they can just release basic addons.
2. the entire gaming release world has been slack and companies are looking for other ways to profit without putting in effort. Companies are continuing to make big buzzes of "definite editions" of their old games. This is a total scam. When I played the uncharted series and the original bugs were in all of the games it just goes to prove that they are not even touching the game and just releasing it with a special 2min effort saturation and hue graphics enchantment.
3. Many of the games I had hopes for were canceled. Dead Island 2 was canceled, and another few i forget.
4. A lot of games were pathetic now that companies are trying to money grab. Farcry 4 was not a sequal. It was absolutely the SAME but just in a different environment. On top of that it was not as GOOD of an environment.
5. After quickly comping up with the conclusion that a lot of the games on my list were cheap I resorted to a lot of free PS+ games with are so 1999 that I got tired of them in a day. One stupid game after another.
6. It started where it was just the PS+ games that seems to trick you into thinking it was not a demo and when you start playing you realize you have to pay to do stuff, but lately I've noticed that many games are doing this. I bought the crew and there are places all over the game that push you to purchase stuff. There were even beeping in the game every 5 minutes to try to get you to press a button on your controller which would take you to the psn store. The thing that is REALLY pissing me off is in dying light there are advertisements and signs all over the city in the game trying to promote their expansions.
7. The PSN store has become a mess of movie rental, PS now advertising, and other random crap.
8. Gaming companies are going nuts pushing old games.
9. This is a personal complaint. I love those cooky Saints ROW games. I loves all of the dlcs too. The christmas one was excellent. HOWEVER, I was looking forward to GAT out of hell but when I saw the preview it turned me off. I have a little bit of a problem with the whole hell/heaven religion in games thing. I'm not a thumper but I believe that gaming should stay away from religion. I was turned off by it bigtime.

Dragon age was awesome, dying light was good, and I had fun with tropico(but that's not for everyone).
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