I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy? <My 2015 gaming report>

Poll Poll Will I get a total of 30 plats for 2015?

  • Pff, dude, you lazy. No way.

  • I would be surprised if you did.

  • You'll probably get it.

  • I don't believe in no win scenarios. You got this.

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The Order - 1886 is PLATTED now.​
After two weeks straight of playing dying light I decided to try the order. Everyone was right. It didn't take long. The trophies started to pop like crazy once I passed the 2hour mark of playing. I was impressed with the initial graphics of the game but it's really under developed. The gameplay is basic. the game is about 70% cutscenes and you cannot skip them. The story is nothing too thrilling to not skip but I suppose they didn't want you to finish the game in an hour. I'm going to resell the game and get all of my money back for it.

My gaming achievements of 2015 look as if it's been slowing down but the truth is I've just been taking breaks on almost complete games.
-Dying light will be done very soon. I've been struggling with several glitched trophies for it.
-Dragon age at 80% but I'm not too excited to play it more because it's been a long road.
-I've been touching base on flockers and the swapper. Flocker is a challenging but short plat and swapper is a cheap 2hour to finish game that came with PS now. We'll see if I have another finished today!
Yeah, I wouldn't watch that movie on youtube. It was not that good. I loved the accents though.

Dying light is PLATTED NOW!

I had a lot of fun playing this one but I barely remember because near the end of the adventure there were so many stupid and glitchy trophies it was not funny.
The game is pretty dope. I'll admit I saw that the developers rushed through it because many of the side missions were something like "collect 20 coffee bags" or "Lighter fluid cans". I also didn't like that the game was so gray. There were two cities. One a broken up cement based city where all of the buildings looked alike and another city which was a gray/white theme where all of the buildings looked alike:).
Still the game is pretty incredible as far as zombie games go because it takes a different approach. Instead of mass killing zombies throughout the whole thing your objective is to avoid them by jumping from roof to roof.

I shall continue with the two cheaper games I have waiting for me to plat. They are going to be quicker and easier.
Demon_Skeith said:
congrats on the plat.

If you're looking for a fun simple game, I just started The Witch and the Hundred Knight and a good game to play.
I'll check the trailer but I have a pretty long list of games this year.

The Swapper is COMPLETE. I said complete and not platted because this game does not have a platinum award for getting all of the trophies.

This was a cheap free PS+ game that I acquired. It's too cheap to get excited about and for the most part I just did the whole game while following a walkthrough. The bad part is after about 4hours of playing this cheap game the walkthrough I was following decided to skip the very last trophy that is about 1 minute away from the ending credits. Problem....I missed it then had to start all over again.

I'm running a little short on games right now. I have Flockers, Life is strange, and Dragon age. I'm not feeling to thrilled about going for dragon age though. I'll probably plat flockers within a couple of days then who knows.
Demon_Skeith said:
Then shouldn't you focus on those that are released?
I do. I'm just done most of them all.

Flockers is PLATED now!!!

Flockers is a spinoff of the classic "Lemmings". If you never heard of lemmings then it'll be difficult to explain. Basically these sheep walk in a obstacle course and you have to advert their movement to safely get to the exit. There are blades, giant metal balls, and flying saws. It's a puzzle game and VERY frustrating at times.
To top things off this isn't really a popular game so I didn't use a guide to get the platinum. It was fairly enjoyable though. Fun classic.

I don't own anymore games other than dragon age from my list. I've been on the hunt for the Sleeping Dogs: def edition but walmart does not have it, ebgames doesn't, and also ebay is selling it for way too much. I'll find it eventually.
Tomorrow I'm going to buy MXGP which is a dirt bike game. It rare I get a chance to play these types of games but they are fun.
I'm doing well with my schedule this year, I'll say that much!
Never fully played sleeping dogs. Started it when it was free for games with gold. I need to get it on the ps4 and play that too, got a huge list of games I need to get through.
Just an update. I actually stopping gaming entirely for about 2months because life has gotten busy. Also there were not any games I was excited about. Also dragon age has got me down. It's really long. Now I have to finish the game in "nightmare mode". I'm struggling but I'll work it out eventually.

This weekend I'm hoping to purchase three or four games just to catch up to my list.
I've made some changes again to the list as well. Removed "the crew" because its a 170hour to platinum game. I struggle hard with racing games too so I don't want to get stuck on it. I also Tropico 5 and a cheap free game from my ps+ account "Valiant hearts".

PS+ gives away such stupid games........
Did you really think they were giving away great games for free every month? The DS doesn't fall for simple tricks like that.

But I hear you on the lack of exciting games, I am enjoying what I am playing but its not like I come home saying "oh boy I want to play this badly!"

I did get my hands on hyrule warriors which I hope will give me that spark.
Man, you're thorough with gaming. I've to say. As if you're trying to fit everything else with your gaming which takes the center-stage. That's awesome for a lot of reasons. First, it defines that you're a quintessential gamer. second, nobody rules you, so you're a gamer. Free, like the wind. Well, there are others too.

Nobody's crazy if they're so thorough with their lives and games.

You've played Far Cry 4, interested to know what your thoughts are about the game.
Farcry 4 I finished completely. I was not too impressed. It was not too bad but the main problem is I love the tropical type games and the whole reggae music. Everything about the 3rd was great but the 4th was the opposite. I find the india accent super annoying so the radio guy while driving was driving me insane.

I did like it but it didn't really blow my mind.
Dragon Age Inquisition is PLATTED now. It was a very long one for me. I'm not used to the whole RPG thing so I leveled my characters all wrong in the beginning. Once I finished it I had to re-do the game on "Nightmare Mode" which was not too bad.

How's the game? After the 110 hours I am hooked and will buy the sequel but there is a heck of a lot of collecting to do. I should have spent a full 24 hours just walking around the game world picking up stuff. It just never ended.
Regardless I enjoyed it and I'm glad I'm complete.

I have no clue what I'm going to start next. I own 5 games I have not played yet. I'll probably play 2 hours each until I get hooked on one. I know I'm really looking forward to tropico 5. Driveclub scares me though. Another long 120hour to plat game.