N3DS Community League Challenger Thread

Level One Tailow is annoying, but I am okay with it if the others are.

seeing as i have to use the same team, and i already used it against Star (and beat a latios with it.....), wellllll.....

it seems i have it regardless. no rules against it.

and spoony, i don't see why you care, it wouldn't be any help against you anyway >.<

That's one of the main reasons I said I don't care :3

There are several Pokemon that use the same kind of strategy. I've even seen a team of all level one Pokemon using various tricks. The only one I think SHOULD be banned for sure is Riolu. That thing is annoying.

so i go to serebii to find out what could be so annoying about a riolu. then i have the great idea to find out what can have scrappy as an ability.

hidden ability for taillow: scrappy

i wish i had checked earlier. i would have used a scrappy taillow to pwn you. but nope. i think.
Hey guys my team is below and i will send out pm's to the leaders with in the next few days.

Vaporeon, Dragonite, Ferrothorn, jolteon, Gyarados, Lucario.

I have now beaten Lord regal!

2 badges down, 6 to go!

although with 2 of the leaders missing, i don't think ill be able to get all 8 :(
Hellfire beat me today, but from now on I will do double battles..

yes, you seem to excel in them.

maybe you should change up some of your moves to be doubles oriented?
I'm thinking I may implement a "set" battle rule...it appears the main reason I lose is people switching on me, and I'm a huge fan of the "set" battle style as it is...
So how's this Gym challenge going along? Are all of the members finished with their teams? I haven't checked up enough. :P
Sorry for my apparent absence, but no one challenged me via a PM like they are supposed to, so I just disappeared. I got a PM and thought "hey, lets check the place out". No offense, but if I don't get challenge requests I can hardly be blamed for being absent.
Okay guys, I haven't played Pokemon for like half a year, so I might just retire...
Okay guys, I haven't played Pokemon for like half a year, so I might just retire...



Okay guys, I haven't played Pokemon for like half a year, so I might just retire...




We can still have a quick flat battle if you want, just tell me your friend code... but I kinda forgot how to play Pokemon, haha.
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spoony, i still need to rematch you.....

but what can i replace taillow with.....
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spoony, i still need to rematch you.....

but what can i replace taillow with.....

You can't. You're stuck with the team you've used against others...you beat me while using that Tailow, so you must use it all the way through.
spoony, i still need to rematch you.....

but what can i replace taillow with.....

You can't. You're stuck with the team you've used against others...you beat me while using that Tailow, so you must use it all the way through.

At the time, I DID mention he could consider changing things, but you do bring up a good point, and I don't want to be unfair to the gyms he beat using that specific strategy. I think Hellfire should try his other 2 chances to beat me with his existing team first. THEN, we can talk about what we think would be fair.
spoony, i still need to rematch you.....

but what can i replace taillow with.....

You can't. You're stuck with the team you've used against others...you beat me while using that Tailow, so you must use it all the way through.

At the time, I DID mention he could consider changing things, but you do bring up a good point, and I don't want to be unfair to the gyms he beat using that specific strategy. I think Hellfire should try his other 2 chances to beat me with his existing team first. THEN, we can talk about what we think would be fair.

ah. okay then. can we set up a new time via pm?
Thank you Hellfire for challenging me. Certainly kept me guessing. I'm just glad to finally get a match request for this challenge. I do hope you return for a rematch another time. That Taillow made me accommodate way too much. And that Lilligant man. Who would have thought a Grass type would start smacking my poison types around.
Thank you Hellfire for challenging me. Certainly kept me guessing. I'm just glad to finally get a match request for this challenge. I do hope you return for a rematch another time. That Taillow made me accommodate way too much. And that Lilligant man. Who would have thought a Grass type would start smacking my poison types around.

your scolipede is overpowered >.< not only does it have insane speed which is unmatchable by anything i have trained, but it can sweep almost my entire team >.<

tyranitar, lilligant, charizard, dragonite, metagross. it can take em all down without a problem.

damn your scolipede, leave it at home.