Alright let's battle lord regal!
Send me a PM suggesting some times (I'm EST or GMT - 5...whichever you prefer) and I'll tell you what works best for me.
Yeah, I meant to respond to your PM, but doing it here works just as well. I can battle most nights this week, I believe, but please PM what times you are available (including your timezone) and we can work something out. I will know for sure my schedule tomorrow.
In order to battle a Gym Leader, YOU must go to THEM. Think of it like this: in the games and show, the challenger has to go to the gym to challenge the leader...even if a leader is outside their gym, the official challenge must take place at the gym. We're obviously at an advantage here, since we don't meet face-to-face for the fight...still, it's the challenger's responsibility to contact the leader they wish to fight and get the time set up, mimicking the games/show. So, pick a gym and PM them!
Shy Guy: In order to be a leader, there has to be an open spot, as well as something else that I'm blanking on...Spoony?
so i can choose one of the open spots?you mean like taking a retired gym leaders spot?no challenge or something?can you be a little more specific?
Is there an elite 4 too? And a champion?
That would be awesome, the champion would be the best trainer on the site and youn could only challenge him/her if you beat all the elite 4, and you could only challenge them if you beat all the gym leaders!
Is there an elite 4 too? And a champion? That would be awesome, the champion would be the best trainer on the site and youn could only challenge him/her if you beat all the elite 4, and you could only challenge them if you beat all the gym leaders!
Yeah try to make it a little more challenging and realistic
The gym leader spots are taken. If you want to be a gym leader you need to talk to them via pm and they will decide. I'm pretty sure the roster is full. Just challenge the leaders....use this topic for its purpose and stop annyoing them with the same pointless posts. Read the rules in the first post for all of your answers.
Just to clear up the last point (though if you looked through the thread we've discussed this before) we aren't doing an elite 4 and champion. This is because we don't want to declare one person better than everyone else, even if we battled it out. A single battle, or even ten battles, doesn't say who is the better trainer, as luck has a hand in each fight as well. Therefore, no elite 4/champion.
My question is: if you have posted your team since B/W and you are now using B2/W2 can you still take part in the league as long as you use the same team?
Well, the versions ARE cross long as it's the same team with the same exact Pokemon (so don't swap a Gyrados for another Gyrados, I mean) I don't have a problem with it...what do the other leaders think?
Also, I want to clear something up that's been happening to me a lot this week. Sending us a PM saying "let's battle right now!" is not overly helpful. When you do that you're assuming that just because we're online we have time for a battle...back when I was in high school I'd access sites at school when I could, so that's an incorrect assumption there. Also, I don't know about the rest of the leaders, but I'm rarely on this site for more than 5 minutes at a time. I pop in, comment when I feel the need, and hop right back out. I check multiple times a day, but they're hours apart typically. Thus, if you send me specifically a "let's battle now!" PM, odds are I won't see it until hours after you sent it...which kind of defeats the purpose of sending it. It's much more helpful to say "Hey, I'd like to battle you...two days from now I'm available this time to this time...when works for you?" That way we can pick a time that works for us in advance so we can be sure to be there.
TL;DR? Don't say "Let's battle NOW!" but rather say "Let's battle two days from now...I can go anytime X to Y...when works for you?"
Even if there were "open" gym leader slots, we would not accept any more gym leaders until at the very least a challenger has beaten everyone. I get 3 requests to be a gym leader for every one request for a battle, and most of those battles never seem to happen because the challenger never tells me times when s/he is available. There is no point to having gym leaders when no challengers actually show up to battle.
Ok kool, i guess to keep everything fair i'll leave the 6 pokemon I posted on Black until i've challenged all of the gym leaders. Best thing is my exams are over so I'm ready to make some more challenges
Sorry I haven't been on for awhile had some issues to take care of like Christmas and internet and all that other garbage. Okay I only have one Pokemon to level up. After that I'm good to go. However I can only do Level 50 gym battles at the time (cause trying to get to Level 100 is a bit difficult for me, but I am trying!).
I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused anyone.
Edit: My last Pokemon is finally level 50, so the Psychic gym is ready for business!!!
How ever there are a few rules :
Level 50 gym battles (for now), However the challenger may choose the style of battle out of three...
These are: single battle, double battle and triple battle ( if you can't access this style of battle in white let me know)
And that's it! I hope to have some great battles from challengers and fellow gym leaders alike!!
i will be using my charizard, tyranitar, dragonite, lilligant, metagross and taillow (golduck if level 1s are not allowed).
i am available to battle from 4pm to around 9pm uk time, and anytime on weekends (although this is only for one day, but i'm not sure which as it changes)
just pm me if you have a opening, and we can battle it out!
also, do pokemon need to be in the battle box to be used, or in the party?
Level One Tailow is annoying, but I am okay with it if the others are.
seeing as i have to use the same team, and i already used it against Star (and beat a latios with it.....), wellllll.....
it seems i have it regardless. no rules against it.
and spoony, i don't see why you care, it wouldn't be any help against you anyway >.<
That's one of the main reasons I said I don't care :3
There are several Pokemon that use the same kind of strategy. I've even seen a team of all level one Pokemon using various tricks. The only one I think SHOULD be banned for sure is Riolu. That thing is annoying.