N3DS Community League Challenger Thread

Wow, I am really really sorry that i have been inactive for so long...

long story short my laptop was ruined because of water damage and I have been busy pretty much all day everyday working.
Again i apologize for not being around but now that I am done working and have a laptop (obviously) i would like to say: I'm back!!

Now i understand if i am demoted that's fine as long as i can still be accepted by the forum community and partake.

Hello! Welcome back after your 2 month leave *cough* Dry Bones Award *cough*. I don't think any one has really be too active so I'm not really sure Spoonysage has kicked you / demoted you or whatever you call it.
Lol thanks for the award

I'm not able to give you the award. I'm hinting that this thread has documented proof that you qualify for said award (talk to an admin apparently?)

Side note, just a couple items to grind for in battle subway and a Scolipede to level up and the Poison Gym will (finally) be open.
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I may be longer then I expected. Just found out that 2 of my pokemon were hacked pokemon (they were both caught with masterballs and I don't think that is possible) so now I have to breed 2 extra pokemon. Once I get that straitened away I should be pretty quick in finalizing my team and challenging you guys!
I don't know why, but I just don't feel like playing Pokemon...
Actually, Poison Gym is now open!

Gym specific rules: Full 6 vs 6, Normal (lv. 100) Singles. No Double battles at this time. Standard Challenge rules apply.
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yeah, a double post but a valid point to make. I really think that we should consider a deadline to have teams finished. I know it's easy for me to say with my team finally being completed (I honestly should have finished this sooner but I got caught up with trade shop stuff) but the point remains valid. A lot of us have had a lot of time to get these teams worked up and I've noticed one or two people waiting on us to finish up. SpoonySage even placed a new qualifier rule for new Gym Leaders to ensure we have them ready pretty early.

I'm going to leave it up to Spoonysage since he's kind of running this thing.
yeah, a double post but a valid point to make. I really think that we should consider a deadline to have teams finished. I know it's easy for me to say with my team finally being completed (I honestly should have finished this sooner but I got caught up with trade shop stuff) but the point remains valid. A lot of us have had a lot of time to get these teams worked up and I've noticed one or two people waiting on us to finish up. SpoonySage even placed a new qualifier rule for new Gym Leaders to ensure we have them ready pretty early.

I'm going to leave it up to Spoonysage since he's kind of running this thing.

I agree but I can also see that this could cause unwanted problems. I also had the idea of double gym battles. Two Challangers vs. two GL. If the the Challangers win they get both badges. Let me know what you think.
yeah, a double post but a valid point to make. I really think that we should consider a deadline to have teams finished. I know it's easy for me to say with my team finally being completed (I honestly should have finished this sooner but I got caught up with trade shop stuff) but the point remains valid. A lot of us have had a lot of time to get these teams worked up and I've noticed one or two people waiting on us to finish up. SpoonySage even placed a new qualifier rule for new Gym Leaders to ensure we have them ready pretty early.

I'm going to leave it up to Spoonysage since he's kind of running this thing.

I agree but I can also see that this could cause unwanted problems. I also had the idea of double gym battles. Two Challangers vs. two GL. If the the Challangers win they get both badges. Let me know what you think.
Can you do that on the online battles because if you can im all for it.
I would like a battle with a side of victory!!!
Anyone and Excadrill Salamance Accelgor Musharna Breloom and Sharpedo
Just as a reminder: PLEASE read the rules for this challenge on the first page. If you do not understand anything there (like what Sleep Clause is), then you can ask about it here or send me a message and I will be glad to explain it to you.

ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT: To gym leaders, in particular. The gym challenge will continue to be on BW and not switch over to BW2 unless enough of you agree to this. I know that when you only have one DS is it difficult to transfer over so I am not currently expecting you all to do this. Also, I feel we should try to accommodate the largest number of members, so if they stay with BW, we will. If the majority of members upgrade to gen 5.2, then maybe we should as well.

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In about a couple of days I will be a poke masta!
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Out of curiosity, is Genesect still banned?