Lord Regal
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I'm a complete noob to these Pokemon things, but may I ask,
It goes like this: (?)
You post a team.
You fight all gym leaders.
You get 1 badge of your choice.
You become a Gym leader.
Because I'm seriously lost here.
Nah. You post your team if you want to challenge the league. You private message a leader if you want to challenge them. When you win a Gym match, you get a badge from that leader (sort of like the in game gym leaders).
Becoming a Gym Leader you pretty much apply to become one and pick a type that isn't taken by someone else. The team you use as a gym leader must be entirely made up of pokemon of that type with either their primary or secondary type being the type you chose. For example, I chose poison. As such, I can use Drapion who is primary Poison and secondary dark. I can also use Gengar who is primary Ghost secondary Poison. However, I can't use a starmie because it's not a poison type in any way.
I namely got an invite from Spoonysage to apply to be a Gym Leader. I'm assuming he pretty much makes the calls who is qualified to be a Gym Leader.
Notice: Poison Gym remains closed as team construction is still being conducted / completed.
Mostly correct there. We only go to 8 leaders (like all of the games and TV shows) and if you want to be a leader, you can apply as said above, then get added when another leader retires (although a lot of the current leaders I haven't seen around in a while, so now's the time to apply). Also note that if you're a leader, you can also challenge the other gyms. You don't need to use your gym team, rather post a "challenge" team and go to fight the others. If you beat all 7 other gyms, you also get your own badge as commemoration.