N3DS Community League Challenger Thread

Congrats! My team still needs some work. I shall post here once I'm open for challenges.
I still need a sixth pokémon

Pokémon BW Roster
-No pokémon chosen for Slot

Battle Box: The roster is battle boxed!
I would love to challenge the N3DSC gyms! If I had the choice to go up against someone first I'd pick SpoonySage/Ghost gym leader.
I'm new here so I'm wondering, do you have to challenge the gyms in a specific order?
No, you do not. However, different gyms have different requirements (Ex: I don't participate in flat battles, so all level 100s are recommended) but as long as you want, you can challenge whomever you want!
how can we become a gym leader? i really want to know how... please i really need to become a gym leader
Well, we have the standard eight leaders, like we wanted to do from the start. If one of the other leaders wants to retire, then we'd have a slot...as is though we're full. Sorry about that.
1. what happens when we have all the badges? do we become a champion?
2. do all pokemon have to be lvl 100, or is it a matter of choice?
ill post my team when i know the answer to question 2
1. what happens when we have all the badges? do we become a champion?
2. do all pokemon have to be lvl 100, or is it a matter of choice?
ill post my team when i know the answer to question 2
Well, you'll have all the badges, so your accomplishments will be clear...we decided from the start we didn't want a Champion, as that would set that person above the others, which wouldn't be accurate since the leaders are using (at least in my case) a team that we made specifically for this, not our usual setups. There're other reasons, but that's the clearest one in my mind. I don't know if we ever had an ultimate reward set up...as for your second question, you don't have to, but some leaders (like myself) only participate in non-flat battles. I know Spoony does either, but to take on all the leaders you should have all 100s. Hope that helps!
i have not done wifi battles for a while, so i forget what all the terms mean. so, i could have 5 level 100s and one in the mid nineties?
It's a matter of choice. Mine are all 100. I know that last time I heard one of Spoony's was not at 100. If you feel you're good to go, there's no need to wait. If you want to start now, and finish leveling the last one when you feel like it, that'd be fine. You want to level first, then go at us? That works too.

Flat battle: All Pokemon will be at level 50, with according stats, should they be level 51 or higher. Pokemon at levels 1-50 remain completely unaffected. If a Pokemon would not have evolved at level 50 (ex: Volcarona) it will still be in its evolved state. It only affects levels and stats.
It's a matter of choice. Mine are all 100. I know that last time I heard one of Spoony's was not at 100. If you feel you're good to go, there's no need to wait. If you want to start now, and finish leveling the last one when you feel like it, that'd be fine. You want to level first, then go at us? That works too.

Flat battle: All Pokemon will be at level 50, with according stats, should they be level 51 or higher. Pokemon at levels 1-50 remain completely unaffected. If a Pokemon would not have evolved at level 50 (ex: Volcarona) it will still be in its evolved state. It only affects levels and stats.

I actually have 10 Ghost Pokemon at level 100. And soon will have 2 different Banettes (not that they are all that great compared to things like Dusclops and Sableye). That being said, I accept flat battle challenges, but only with Rotation battles. The main reason I dislike flat battles is because they limit the amount of Pokemon you can use, but Rotation battles can mix things up a bit and I find them enjoyable, particularly with some of the strategies parts of my team apply.
if possible, i want non-flat 6v6 single battles please
(gives it away T_T) taillow

pm me if you want to battle and we can exchange fcs and arrange a time
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