Paper Mario Comic - FINAL TOPIC


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Okay, as you're all well aware by now, I've made a few Paper Mario in Flash comics. I've designed the characters and the environments, and now I'm up to creating, so this is the place where I will put up any previews of interface design and battle stuff, etc. so that I can get feedback and testers so it can be as good as it possibly can!

Also, no more duplicate topics, I'll be bumping this topic as I feel necessary with updates for people to try.

It isn't much, but it's got my Mario hammer animation and the buttons I'm going to use for the battle scene, which I think look alright:

Tell me what you think of not only that, but also possible future updates. Keep in mind this might eat into my Shenanigan Guy making time, but hey, at least you'll get a cool thing to play around with for half an hour, heh.

ALSO, I've got the storyline planned out and whatnot and all the other scenes, so it really is just up to me to code this bad boy up in Flash and get the ball rolling.
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I'm having trouble getting the buttons to work. Mario just keeps smashing his hammer down.
Okay, an update on the style I'll be doing for this. Well, y'know the stage kind of thing they have in the title screen of Paper Mario? With the curtains to the side and whatnot (Heck, I think Mario Party 2 has a similar thing with their intro). I'm going to go for something along the lines of that, where everything is kind of attached to a pole and slides in. Not sure what I mean by this? Well I'll get a few more examples up soon (almost got some good text stuff happening), but basically it's a bit different and I think it'll look cool for what I'm doing, so I'm going ahead with it. Thanks for the sprite sheet too, Nin, I might use that.

EDIT: Cool, got it done sooner than expected. Here's an example of my ultra-awesome text. Just because I want to brag, I've animated this entire thing with nothing but code, so it saves lots of space and time for me:

DOUBLE EDIT: If that link doesn't work, blame SWFCabin, that site is so unstable but it's the best I can find.
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^*blames SWFCabin*

Yeah, link doesn't work. But a screenshot or two wouldn't hurt for now, right?
"Hello kids! This be dynamic text!"

"Hello kids! This be EVEN MORE


...Bug much?

EDIT: Oh wait, never mind. That was just my internet acting weird.
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"Hello kids! This be dynamic text!"

"Hello kids! This be EVEN MORE


...Bug much?

EDIT: Oh wait, never mind. That was just my internet acting weird.
I think it could actually be a bug, so thanks for confirming it's presence. I think I might have eradicated it by accident. I'll upload another SWF soon on something that isn't SWF Cabin next time, that site's just unstable.
Here's a revised version! If anybody encounters what seems to be freezing, or text not fully appearing on the screen, or just any unexpected stopping (the characters will still move, but you can't advanced through the text), then LET ME KNOW!

EDIT: It's putting media tags around my link, make it stop. How cool would Flash embedding features be, though? *raises eyebrows*
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If you need the font file, I can send you "Hey Gorgeous" which is the most authentic looking PM font I use.

Also, lookin' good NintenDan! Simply amazing!
Uh, is that a good evil or a bad evil? If bad, then why's it bad? *shifty eyes*
It doesn't suit PM at all.
Uhhh... the font I downloaded is SUPPOSED to be the actual font you see in Super Paper Mario:


Also, random title image added to first post.
Oh, it's just a normal font when I look at it...
Whoops, my bad then, I still need to embed the font into the actual SWF so that there's no need to download a font. Thanks for letting me know about that, it's hard to tell when stuff like that's going to happen on your own computer.

Also, awesome link Dolphin, that's definitely going to help out in the future.
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