Shenanigan Guy

These are Awesome! I'm loving the art style and the jokes make me chuckle. Looking forward to more.
Issue #006? Also what happens after issue #999? Can your awesomeness hold enough memory to store an entire extra digit? Or does your awesomeness take up to much of your internal hard drive of awesomness? Maybe we'll have to call shenanigans on this whole thing? HAHAHA C WAT I--- OK, seriously now, who invented the "c wut i did thar" thing?
Issue #006? Also what happens after issue #999? Can your awesomeness hold enough memory to store an entire extra digit? Or does your awesomeness take up to much of your internal hard drive of awesomness? Maybe we'll have to call shenanigans on this whole thing? HAHAHA C WAT I--- OK, seriously now, who invented the "c wut i did thar" thing?
I just like three digit figures when it comes to ordering, heh. But if there is an issue #999, I think it's safe to say that the end of the world will be nigh, and that you should all run.
I just like three digit figures when it comes to ordering, heh. But if there is an issue #999, I think it's safe to say that the end of the world will be nigh, and that you should all run.
Even me?
I just like three digit figures when it comes to ordering, heh. But if there is an issue #999, I think it's safe to say that the end of the world will be nigh, and that you should all run.

*Runs*...... Heeeeey, wait a second!

Anyway, NintenDan... I can't wait to see what other 'shenanigans' you have in your brain... But this'll be an interesting series nonetheless!
Okay, Issue 006 is a bit of a "Fill in the blanks" comic. I give you the first part of the story, and you just have to imagine what happens in the last panel. And looking at what's happened from past issues, I think it's pretty easy to see just what happens to poor ol' Lil' Bloopy:


By the way, giving something without a mouth emotion is incredibly hard.
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Holy moly. NDan, I finally decided to click on this thread to see what it's all about...


I LOVE your comics. These are amazing. Please don't stop making them. They're all funny and the art style is just perfect. Bravo, bravo.
Holy moly. NDan, I finally decided to click on this thread to see what it's all about...


I LOVE your comics. These are amazing. Please don't stop making them. They're all funny and the art style is just perfect. Bravo, bravo.
A little late.....
But that's praise alright.
Suggestion, Dan.

To be honest..
I kinda...
Don't like...
Random jokes where an Anvil suddenly falls on someone's head, spontaneosly killing them.
But, it's 1% to 99%, So just go along.

Another thing...Trivia about things in this comic would be awesome. Like, Shenadigin guy's face being revealed only to his friends, or Bob's only lines being 'Zeeky Booky Doug' Or a bunch of Nonsense that never equates with the english language. And ends up being the world's best opera singer. And that chain chomp...Doesn't have the heart to chomp at mario, since he was released?
etc. etc.
You're right Dev, the idea of just random deaths isn't all too exciting, but I kinda needed something to springboard off of. I'll try my best to avoid that in future issues!

At Zexis and dantheman, thanks! Any reader comments, late or new, are greatly appreciated!

And here's Issue 007; basically opening up a whole bunch of future comic storylines and jokes:

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NintenDanny, I love these. I also use Flash quite a bit to draw in, I used to make a lot of goofy drawings in a similar style to this due to the nature of the treatment to brush strokes in the program. I tend to do my line art in Flash then export it over to Photoshop (still rockin' PS7~) and then finish out my coloring in there.
Issue 008!


Firstly, yes, I swore. I'm not a big fan of using curse words to make stuff funny, but I'll admit it that if you've been caught up in an explosion for at least four times, you'll basically want to vent your frustration a little further than usual, heh. Sorry if I offended anyone, anyways. Just like to cover all bases and make sure nobody's upset.

By the way, expect less frequent updates for a bit. I'm going to start drawing loads of comics so that I basically always have a few on hold. Then I will start a routine of drawing one, and then releasing one that I've had drawn for about a week. Saves me the stress of writing up comics quickly and seems like a good system. Thanks for reading!
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