Shenanigan Guy

Well I don't know about you guys, but I fell like taking a trip to Bomb Land.
Oh. I thought it could rebuild itself. Like it blows up and into nothing and then it spontaneously returns.

Except unlike Garfield here, I'm not waiting for Christmas, I'm eagerly anticipating NintenDan's next comic!
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We have to wait 23 days for Nintendan's next comic?
Heh, I haven't set a deadline or anything, so it's just a matter of patiently waiting. I don't think it'll take that long for me to get a nice set of comics ready to release; I wrote two four-panel comics today, which is great. And while I was at it, I made another image out of boredom, enjoy:

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NintenDanny, I love these. I also use Flash quite a bit to draw in, I used to make a lot of goofy drawings in a similar style to this due to the nature of the treatment to brush strokes in the program. I tend to do my line art in Flash then export it over to Photoshop (still rockin' PS7~) and then finish out my coloring in there.
I just absoulutely Love how you called him 'NintenDanny'.
Nice comics there Dan! Yet again, Keep up the good work!
How would Goomba Land work?
Either as Mario's work out place, or Mario's stress reliever.

Also I took the pic Dan made and made this...

I just thought about it and this was horribly made... I should stop trying to make things funnier.
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Yeah. Thanks for out shining me there, buddy.
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Heh, a demotivational this soon? YEE HAW! And don't worry DYL, I'll always know in my heart that you tried your very best.

By the way, I have two comics basically done, but I think I'll try get another three or two done before I start releasing them. This way, I can start working at a steady pace of one every three or four days and release a new comic every three or four days (maybe earlier, depends on how I'm feeling).
Issue 009 now here!


I like how creepy Shy Guy looks in the last panel; it's brilliant.

Also, for a future issue, I was thinking of having a "Shy Guy answers fan mail" episode, so if you have a question or comment about the series and want Shy Guy to answer it for you, PM me (NintenDan) now and I'll pass them over to him... *shifty eyes*
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TELL ME WHY this issue didn't feature me/ my shout!! >___________________________________________________>
OK, here's one.
How do you sleep at night?
On top of a pile of money, with many beautiful ladies?
Why yes, that's exactly how I sleep at night. I'mma consider that for next issue then.

Another interesting comic, NintenDan! Keep it up!
Thank you, as always, Y64M!


TELL ME WHY this issue didn't feature me/ my shout!! >___________________________________________________>
Because the issue with your comment is a future issue?