Shenanigan Guy

"The Many Faces of Shy Guy" was actually what I was thinking of titling it, though I had originally brainstormed the title to be at the top of the shirt with a 9th face in the middle square...either design works, really.

I'll have to check out some custom t-shirt websites to figure out how this all works. It'd turn out to be one of my favorite t-shirts
"The Many Faces of Shy Guy" was actually what I was thinking of titling it, though I had originally brainstormed the title to be at the top of the shirt with a 9th face in the middle square...either design works, really.

I'll have to check out some custom t-shirt websites to figure out how this all works. It'd turn out to be one of my favorite t-shirts
Heh, well I guess I should probably concentrate on drawing those faces sometime soon, then implementing them into comics further down the track (because if I just draw them as I go along, I won't have the other 6 faces done for a while).

Here's a list of all the faces I was planning on having:

"Shifty Eyes" Guy (already done)
"Traumatised" Guy (also done)
"Mesmerised" Guy
"Can't Decide" Guy
"Act Surprised" Guy
"I Won't Bite" Guy
"Pass the Pie" Guy
"Eagle Eye" Guy

As you can see, all the names have the same amount of syllables (close to it). Sound mysterious and fun?

Also, Issue 019 is uploaded, but the albums having issues with sharing, so for now, here's a direct link to the image in the album:
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Here's the issue in the topic, as I always do, for those who are lazy:


As for whether or not it actually works, I wouldn't have a clue. If you've got some of those glasses around, why not try it out and let me know? And yeah, if you can manage to read it, then good work. For those who can't read it, the dialogue is:

"Hey everybody, look! Our first 3D comic to celebrate the 3DS!"

"Wow, awesome! Everything looks so cool!"

"Uh... guys. This kind of 3D doesn't work without glasses. It's not like the 3DS at all."

"And that's why everybody should go out and buy a 3DS to avoid crap like this!"

I'm waiting for Nintendo to pay me money for the advertising and promotion I'm giving them with this issue. *shifty eyes*
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Lolz...... Anyway.... I had a sneak peek on this issue. *Shift eyes of shift*
Issue 020! Just 10 or so more issues (maybe 12) and then I will have surpassed my own "longest comic series" that finished at 32 issues! YEE HAW!


Yes, that's Pierce Brosnan's head. Why? First thing that came to mind.
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Cool, I've gotten two fan submitted questions within a day, that's a pretty good response in my books. I've got to start drawing more comics though. I've got one done, but I think I need to just do one more tomorrow or something. What to draw... *tries to think of something*
Alright, I kinda like how this one turned out. I had time to draw another comic, but somebody was on the computer so I couldn't. So I resorted to pencil and paper to create this; Issue 021!

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Boo anti-punchline.

Other than that, good drawing.
Heh, thanks. I know, it was a dodgy ending, but I started drawing and had no real idea of where it was headed. I thought I'd think of something by the end, but I didn't, so I panicked and came up with that.
Why thank you for the compliment about my handwriting, uh... Matt? Or Matt is currently a ninja. Or ninjabloop. Heh, ninjabloop.

I AM SORRY, children. My new schedule sees me doing lots of things, with little time for relaxation, let alone work on Shenanigan Guy. But I got off my butt today and finished off a comic I was in the process of (Issue 022) and created Issue 023 completely for scratch as well.

Here's Issue 022, and expect my activity in terms of this comic to be on the weekends, not during the week like it first started off to be. At least it's not cancelled, right? Right? RIGHT?!


Also, I figured Goom needed a main role. Yes, I called my Goomba character "Goom".
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