Recent content by AlexKid

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    The allure of badly dubbed anime

    The quality of English dubs on anime has improved dramatically, especially over the past decade. However, things were not always like this. English dubs on anime tv shows, OVAs and even theatrical films were absolutely horrid during the 80's and 90's.  Even the legendary Akira movie had a...
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    Xbox may drop in price again, sources say

    Microsoft absolutely needs to drop the price of the Xbox One. The popularity of the PS4 is only increasing and it's only a matter of time that the sales gap between the two rival consoles widens. Well, the holiday season isn't too far away, they may decide to lower the price then. Or at least...
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    PC vs Mobile - What would you choose between the two?

    This is a forum for dedicated gamers, most of us like our PCs. Unfortunately this is not true for the rest of society, they would likely choose their mobiles. You won't believe the amount of people I encounter that don't own a computer in this day and age. These very same people happen to own...
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    Has anybody had any issue with their PS4 overheating?

    No, have never experienced this problem. I always ensure that the console is well positioned and that there's nothing that could possibly restrict air-flow. If you happen to live in a dusty environment, it's best to blow on those air vents with compressed air. Keep those air vents clean at all...
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    Windows 10 is free for anyone testing Insider Preview builds

    While I'm excited about Windows 10 like the next guy, I also happen to be an ardent fan of Windows 7. The last thing I want to do right now is test Windows 10 and have to deal with bugs and other issues. In fact, I'm going to wait and see if other users are satisfied with Window 10 before I...
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    PC vs Mobile - What would you choose between the two?

    Let's say you're stuck on a desert island and can only choose to have a few items with you. You've got a choice to keep your PC or your mobile phone but are only allowed to keep one.  If I was in that position, I would definitely go with my PC. It would actually be an easy decision to make...
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    Do you purchase your anime or do you watch online?

    Thanks for your feedback, everyone!  :yahoo: It's good to know in what manner anime fans are consuming their favorite shows. I must admit, that while I've bought tons of DVD's and Blu-Rays over the years, I also tend to watch plenty of anime online. It's both more convenient and of course way...
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    No Man's Sky E3 Demo

    Visually, it looks absolutely stunning. Quite frankly, I'm salivating over the prospect of playing this game eventually. I'm sure it will garner significant sales numbers and be one of those games people rave about those first few days, upon release. But if it's just going to be a large sandbox...
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    Cop Fired For Making Racist Threats On Xbox Live

    I honestly don't understand people with this guy's mentality. I thought we dealt with race issues a long time ago. Most of us normal, well-adjusted human beings like to engage with others of different races and religious backgrounds in a positive manner. Hopefully the mainstream media won't go...
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    Do you think the vita is dead?

    Agreed. Indie developers absolutely love the Vita, not only for it's specs but because a lot of their games are well received on this handheld. Japanese gamers love their handhelds and the Vita still enjoys significant popularity over there. The Vita isn't going anywhere, it will still be...
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    Do you purchase your anime or do you watch online?

    At least 2 decades ago, there was no possibility for fans to watch anime without importing anime either on VHS or Laserdisc (LD). Sure, there would always be a few anime shows on television but these were few and far in-between. Western fans had little choice but to dig deep into their pockets...
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    End of the side scrolling Mario Games?

    I think Super Mario Maker is pretty cool and could inspire a whole new generation in learning the basics of game design. There are plenty of Mario knock offs made on Game Maker Studio, Unity and Flash these days, and those tools are far more versatile than Super Mario Maker. However, I wouldn't...
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    Where do you download your games from, besides Steam?

    PWYW or Pay-What-You-Want is really great and all parties benefit as there is a fair distribution of the funds that go to developers and charities alike. Of course the end-user feels more empowered as he or she knows and has control of where these funds should go. G2A is a European company that...
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    Sony Just Unveiled 1TB PS4 Called Ultimate Player Edition

    While it's great that the finally unveiled the 1TB edition, this should have been included with the launch PS4s. Even 1TB can be filled up quite quickly nowadays, it won't be long before Sony will have to announce another edition. While the PS4 was reasonably priced on launch, they should have...
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    Most visually appealing game played?

    Lords of the Fallen does indeed look amazing, should check it out sometime. I played through Ryse: Son of Rome recently and was blown away by the level of detail. While I didn't quite enjoy the game, it was just lacking in so many areas. However, I found myself just stopping in my campaigns to...