
  1. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation 2016 PlayStation Experience

    Sony has officially announced the details for the 2016 PlayStation Experience which will bring Playstation gamers some sneak peaks of what to expect for their gaming experience. The show will begin on December 3rd at 10 a.m. PT at Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Convention Centerwith with...
  2. froggyboy604

    Sony To ‘Aggressively’ Push Into Mobile Gaming

    Sony is now looking to take full advantage of any such opportunity. Sony CEO Kaz Hirai has said that the Japanese company is now looking to “aggressively” push into mobile gaming. Read More I hope Sony's mobile games would be fun.
  3. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation PSN's Two-Step Verification

    For those of you who may have issues keeping their PSN account safe, Sony rolled out a Two-Step Verification today. Activating this new feature will require PSN users to input a verification code (sent via text message) in addition to their password upon signing into their account. Two-step...
  4. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation Info on PS4.5 coming Soon

    If you are like me and PS4less and waiting on info on PS4.5 then you are in luck. Info is coming soon which Sony confirmed today. The event will be held in New York at the PlayStation Theater on September 7th 2016 at 3 p.m. ET.
  5. Demon_Skeith

    Opening up a Nintendo-Playstation Prototype

    Found this pretty interesting.
  6. froggyboy604

    Are you Afraid of Nintendo, Sony, MS Spending too much time making mobile games in the future?

    I am slightly concerned about Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft spending too much of their time making mobile games, and less of their time making console games because they feel mobile games are more profitable, and require less money and staff to build. But, I can mainly play games on PC...
  7. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation Sony Locks Guy's PSN Account

    A 26-year-old Saudi gamer says his PlayStation Network account was locked for using the word Jihad—which also happens to be his first name. Jihad Al Mofadda, whose story shot to the front page of Reddit yesterday, said that Sony banned his account on June 7. At first, PlayStation customer...
  8. Demon_Skeith

    Microsoft Tried Partnering With Nintendo and Sony

    Seems partnerships was the way of the industry before the birth of a new rival. Apparently Microsoft tried to partner up with Nintendo for a gaming partnership, but the deal never happened. They tried the same with Sony with the same results which in the end brought forth Xbox. For those of...
  9. Demon_Skeith

    PS4 My issue with getting a PS4

    So right now I'm still using my PS3 but pretty soon I'll need to upgrade to the PS4 but my problem is that I'll still need my PS3 for future games, problem is.... I have no room for a PS4. I'm pretty much at the limit of my storage space in my room with no other place. Only thing I can think...
  10. shockwave

    Hey, another newcomer

    Greetings. I've been a passionate console/PC gamer since received a brand new Nes that included Super Mario Bros 3 as a Christmas gift. Nowadays, I didn't realize how much this Industry has grown until I finally became old enough to understand the technology behind processing graphics and the...
  11. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation Sony's New Virtual Shooter Controller

    Even VR needs a controller. Sony claims that this PS VR Aim Controller will work better than other VR controls meanig this works at a 1:1 direct tracking and aiming.
  12. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation Sony E3 2016 Full Conference

    So anyone see it? What did you think? It was roughly 30 mins shorter this year and to me wasn't as great as last year. The only highlight for me was the crash games but their game release was strong. I think they blew their budget on the stage and orchestra.
  13. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation Crash Bandicoot Remaster

    Sony is partnering with Activision to dust off an old faithful PS1 IP, Crash Bandicoot! At their conference tonight they announced that Crash, Crash 2 and Crash Warped will be remastered for Playstation 4. Crash will also be coming to Skylanders Imaginators come October.
  14. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation PlayStation 4.5 Confirmed but missing at E3

    Today a high Sony official confirmed that Playstation 4.5 is happening! However it will not be appearing at E3 2016. A very strange and disappointing move.
  15. Demon_Skeith

    Did Sony Keep Their E3 2015 Promises?

    Sony took the stage last year during E3 and showed and promised a lot to their fans to the point that cheers were heard outside of the convention center and the internet lost their minds. But did they keep their promises? Kotaku runs it down. Sony talked a huge game last year, but clearly...
  16. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Coming December

    Square Enix has announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue will be released around the world in December on Playstation 4. Exact Release date coming soon. Ahead of E3, Square released a new trailer (above) featuring the main three aspects of Final Chapter Prologue: Kingdom Hearts χ...
  17. Demon_Skeith

    E3 Full E3 schedule in different time zones

    And E3 can be watched on any device (with the right app), video site like youtube and on any official gaming site like IGN or gamespot. Smaller gaming sites like us and Kotaku will also maybe live blogging events. Either directly or a few hours after, count on Gaminglatest to post all news in a...
  18. Demon_Skeith

    VR bringing 9th console generation early?

    So with Nintendo releasing the NX next year, that officially starts the 9th console generation which Sony and Microsoft usually joins in after a few years which the 8th generation started in 2012 with Nintendo and 2013 by everyone else. However at this E3 2016, both Sony and MS will be...
  19. Demon_Skeith

    PlayStation PlayStation E3 Theater Experience

    Sony is once again for the 3rd year, bringing its E3 presentation to theaters across the USA for its E3 conference. The media briefing will be shown in over 85 movie theaters across the United States, Canada and Latin America. You can find the list of participating theaters here. Tickets are...
  20. Demon_Skeith

    PS4 Dual Shock 4

    So how is the DS4 for the PS4? Has Sony ever released a patch to fix the light issue on the controller?